Richard Estes

American (b. 1932)
Amsterdam Avenue and 96th Street, 1995
Oil on canvas
36 x 60 1/8 in.
2015.1, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Athena Society

Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly American (b. 1941) Pink Seaform, Red Lip, 1985 Glass Overall: 15-1/2 x 32 x 17-1/2 in. 2001.013, Gift of Janet and Clark Daugherty

Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly American (b. 1941) Lapis Blue Persian, 1990 Glass Overall: 44 x 43 x 20 in. 2001.011, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles

Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly American (b. 1941) Orange Spotted Basket with Black Lip Wrap, 1993 Blown glass 11-1/2 x 11 x 10-3/8 in. 2007.009, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Titelman

Jon Kuhn

Jon Kuhn

Jon Kuhn American (b. 1949) A Byte of Time, 1994 Cut, polished, and assembled lead crystal 8-5/8 x 8-5/8 x 8-5/8 in. 1994.067, Gift of the Family and Friends of Barbara Farrell