December 16 – 17, 2022

VBMA Art After Dark 2021 Evotree by Jonathan McCabe
Outdoors at the Museum
The VBMA is hosting its second Art After Dark outdoor digital art exhibition, with an expanded list of artwork from around the globe. The show will be free to visitors and on view during the evenings of December 16th and 17th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Brett Phares, curator of Art After Dark, will again make a selection from a catalog of international artists.
The list of artists on view will include: Jonah Allen; Beeple; Michael Burton; Sean Capone; Colors and the Kids; FeverDreamScapes; Zlatko Ćosić; Ian Gouldstone; Olga Guse; Kaybid; LIA; Jonathan McCabe; Matt Pearson (aka zenbullets); Robert Seidel; and Tout Court.
Free exhibition. Food and refreshments available for purchase. Cash bar. Bring your own chair and enjoy the show. No outside food/beverage permitted.
Supporting Sponsors:

Benefactor Sponsor:
Costa d’Este Beach Resort & Spa